Tanya Foundation was established because of the war in Ukraine and the suffering inflicted on millions of Ukrainians. Dave van den Hout has had friends in Ukraine since 2004. He could not watch the misery of the war from the couch at home and he decided to take action within days of the start of the war.
Supporting Ukrainian victims of the Russian invasion by delivering basic necessities of life to the war zone.
We believe that Ukrainian victims of the Russian invasion should receive long-term support. We see that there is a need for basic necessities such as food, clothing and hygiene products on the frontline. We collect these goods, deliver them personally or through partners in Ukraine and in this way try to improve the well-being of Ukrainians in the war zone.
Target 2025
The foundation aims to visit Ukraine twice by 2025 to deliver basic necessities by van to Ukrainians in the war zone.
Tanya . Foundation
RSIN: 864119203
Chamber of Commerce: 86858823
Email address:
IBAN: NL47 RABO 0199 4015 27
Postal address: Veldhovenring 64-14 5041 BD Tilburg
Telephone: 06-55545780
Established: June 29, 2022
Objective: The foundation aims to improve the well-being of the victims of the war in Ukraine.
Founder and chairman: Dave van den Hout
Treasurer: Ronald Deckers
Secretary: Jan van de Pas
The foundation in the making
With Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the largest refugee influx since World War II, flooded Europe. The centre of gravity of this humanitarian crisis was in Poland. Hundreds of thousands of people crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border in the first week of the war. Frustrated and angered by so much injustice took Dave van den Hout contact friends in Poland and Ukraine. All help was welcome, he was told. Dave was on a sabbatical at the time and five days after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine he drove to Poland. Krakow would become the starting point of his commitment to Ukraine.
Thanks to donations, initially from friends and family, Dave bought relief supplies for the refugees arriving at Krakow's main train station. After each donation he bought fruit,
baby food, water and candy and chocolate for the children.
To get an idea of the situation at the Polish/Ukrainian border, Dave drove three times from Krakow to a small border post. He loaded his car with relief supplies and took them to the hundreds of refugees who crossed the border there in the bitter cold. At the border he also took refugees and brought them to Cracow. A distance of 270 kilometers. A camera crew RTL News and Broadcasting Brabant captured Dave's volunteer work. Thanks to this media coverage, he received more donations from the Netherlands. The drives to the border brought the relief goods to the right place, but the distance to the border and fuel costs were out of proportion
Back in Krakow, Dave set up 2 tables in a refugee shelter on the square near the central train station. He bought various kinds of fruit and made a fruit salad out of it. The fruit bar was born and grew day by day. For nine weeks, 1000 fruit salads a day were made here and distributed free of charge to refugees. Dozens of volunteers from Poland, the Netherlands, Italy, England, America and Ukraine joined.
To provide even more targeted assistance, Dave went in search of refugees in urgent need of support. Together with Ukrainian interpreters, Dave walked around Kraków's central train station. Thanks to donations, Dave was able to pick dozens of mothers with children and elderly people from the crowd and temporarily house them in hotels. One of them was Ukrainian Tanya and her husband. They were carrying only a plastic bag with some personal belongings. Tanya would later become the namesake of the foundation. By the end of 2024, Dave had driven to Ukraine six times in his van to deliver relief goods.
The Tanya Foundation was founded on June 29, 2022 with the mission:
“Supporting Ukrainian victims of the Russian invasion”.
Policy plan 2025
Partners in Ukraine
Dave personally met two foundations in Ukraine in 2023. Ukrainians and donors from around the world send relief goods to them. Both foundations package these relief goods into smaller food parcels that they personally take to the frontline. On the ground, both foundations ensure careful distribution. Dave is confident in their methods and in 2025, Tanya Foundation will continue to support these projects.
The foundations are
The target group of the Tanya Foundation
On the frontline live mostly elderly people who are unable to flee. There are several reasons for this. Some struggle with poor health and they are no longer able to walk or get around. And many older people do not consider leaving their native land. The above foundations deliver relief goods to these locations to this target group. Dave wants to make a long-term contribution to this. Even after the end of the war, these people should not be forgotten.
The mode of revenue acquisition in 2022-2025
Media attention
The volunteer work of Dave and later the Tanya Foundation has thanks RTL News, Broadcasting Brabant and local social media platforms a lot publicity had.
Friends and acquaintances
The foundation approaches companies to ask if they want to donate relief goods. Friends and acquaintances are also an important sponsor for the foundation.
Sponsor tour
In September 2022, Dave traveled from his hometown of Tilburg to his good friend Serhii in Lviv, Ukraine cycled. With this Dave raised money for his foundation.
Activities of the foundation in 2022/2023
Cycling from Tilburg to Ukraine September 2022
To collect donations for the foundation, Dave traveled from his hometown of Tilburg to the Ukrainian city of Lviv cycled. Here he met his Ukrainian friend Serhii, whom he has known for more than 20 years. It took Dave nineteen days to cycle (1800 km). This project raised 2,071.51 euros in donations for the foundation. All expenses during this trip have been paid privately by Dave.
Collect relief supplies December 2022
On December 15, 2022, the Tanya Foundation started a fundraising campaign. With the collection of cans, sleeping bags, ski clothing, winter coats and snow boots, more than 50 m3 of relief goods were collected.
Broadcasting Brabant December 2022
Dave's volunteer work received extra attention in the annual overview of 2022 of Omroep Brabant (from 10:03 to 12:42 in the video).
January 2023 stage 1
Collecting and delivering relief supplies in Ternopil and Lviv in Ukraine. This project raised 2490.66 euros in donations for the foundation.
January 2023 stage 2
Collecting and delivering relief supplies in Ternopil and Kyiv in Ukraine. This project raised 174.28 euros in donations for the foundation.
January 2023 ride 3
Fries Rijders Foundation has brought 800 kg of relief goods from the Netherlands to Ukraine on behalf of Tanya Foundation.
April 2023 ride 4
Collecting and delivering relief supplies in Lviv and Kyiv in Ukraine. This project raised 614.88 euros in donations for the foundation.
February 2024 Ride 5
Collecting and delivering relief goods to Foundation
July 2024 Ride 6
Collect and deliver relief supplies to the hospital in Lviv.
February 2025 Drive 7
Collected goods
Since the foundation was established (29-06-2022), 60m3 of relief goods have been collected.
The foundation has a Citroën Jumpy van with 6m3 loading space, which is equivalent to 800 kg of loading capacity.
In 2023, the foundation brought 18m3 of relief supplies to Ukraine in 3 journeys.
A fourth ride is provided by Frisian Riders.
The total number of 4 journeys is 24m3, which is equivalent to 3200 kg (4 x 800 kg)
The remaining 26m3 has been donated to Movu-Moldova Foundation
They brought the relief goods to the poorest country in Europe, Moldova.
The 3200 kg of relief supplies such as food, clothing and hygiene products have been delivered to Ukraine
Wealth management
Donations 2022: 2071.51 euros
Donations 2023: 3279.82 euros
Donations 2024:
Total since the establishment of the foundation: 5351.33 euros
In greenhouse
Donations 2022/2023/2024: 5351.33 euros
Costs: 4163.42 euros.
Cash: 1187.91 euros.
Management of the foundation
Founder and chairman: Dave van den Hout
Treasurer: Ronald Deckers
Secretary: Jan van de Pas
The board decides what actions to take.
Forecast for the second half of 2023
In the last quarter of 2023, the foundation will organize another fundraising campaign. The foundation strives to transport these relief goods to Ukraine in a bus with a larger loading capacity.
Use of equity
The foundation collects relief supplies. Specifically, it concerns basic necessities such as food, clothing and hygiene products.
The foundation also buys relief supplies in the Netherlands and Ukraine.
The foundation incurs costs to get the relief supplies to Ukraine.
A trip from the Netherlands to Ukraine and back to the Netherlands is +/- 4500 km.
The bus runs 1 in 14.
The diesel price is +/- 1.50 euros per litre.
A journey takes 6/7 days.
Three journeys were carried out in the first half of 2023.
During a trip we spend the night in a hotel.
Ride 1 was driven by 2 people.
4 nights in a hotel. One room per person. 54.27 euros per person per night.
Ride 2 was driven by 2 people.
6 nights in a hotel. One room per person. 37.19 euros per person per night.
Ride 3 was driven by 1 person.
2 nights in a hotel. 64.43 euros per night.
1 hotel night has been booked for a Ukrainian refugee traveling from Helmond to Charkiv
went. The foundation paid for this for her. 62.48 euros.
Ride 4 was ridden by
Ride 5 was ridden by
Ride 6 was ridden by
Ride 7 was ridden by
Car maintenance
During trip 2, the car was repaired at a Citroën garage in Lviv, Ukraine. The particulate filter needed cleaning. Cost 257, 51 euros.
Purchase relief supplies
EUR 1197.69 was spent on the purchase of relief supplies in Tilburg, Bucha and Kyiv. These relief goods were handed over to two foundations in Ukraine.
The costs as of 29-06-2022 consist of
- Fuel 1302.55
- Toll 32.78
Car maintenance - Repair 257.51
- Windshield washer fluid 16.13
- Hotel 1009.45
- Hotel for a returned refugee. 62.48
- Website maintenance 154.28
- Procurement of aid supplies in the Netherlands and Ukraine. 1197.69
- Bank charges Mollie 130.55
The foundation does not pay any compensation/salary to its directors or volunteers.
Eat Drink
The costs for food and drinks during the rides are paid privately.